What tests are recommended for autism?

Please consider the following,

  • Neural Zoomer Plus to investigate possible brain infections and autoimmunity may be contributing to neurological symptoms.
  • Gut Zoomer: To provide insight on bacterial overgrowth, pathogens, leaky gut, and need for digestive support. The gut is the second brain and makes neurotransmitters. 
  • Food Zoomers: Wheat Zoomer and Dairy Zoomer to assess food sensitivities to two common triggers 
  • Food sensitivity: To identify if the child is sensitive to certain foods. Most children on the spectrum have issues with dairy, gluten, corn, soy. Food inflammation can be systemic, impacting brain function 
  • Organic Acids: To check for metabolic abnormalities. Increasing evidence suggests that the autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may be associated with inborn errors of metabolism (Žigman et al., 2021). The Organic Acids test also checks for yeast and fungal markers
  • Micronutrient: Children on the spectrum may have selective eating eg "picky eating" that could lead to nutritional deficiency.
  • Total Tox Bundle: Toxins may influence brain development


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