Is it OK to collect a stool sample if I took a medication or supplement that could influence my Gut Zoomer 3.0 results?

Vibrant does not advise on stopping medications or dietary supplements prior to testing. Stopping medications or dietary supplements is at the ordering provider’s clinical discretion. While antacids, steroids, aspirin, probiotics, and many other medications and dietary supplements can influence results, it does not mean the test cannot be performed while taking them. Rather, in these instances, the Gut Zoomer may be used to test the ‘real life’ scenarios, and the results may be assessed and interpreted in the context of the person’s medical history, family history, surgical history, medications, dietary supplements, diet, and lifestyle, and the interventions based on the results and the clinical history. It is important to note that the gut microbiome is not in a ‘fixed state,’ which never changes. Rather, there are transient variations daily and seasonally. This is why serial measurements, over time, are recommended to test and not guess, including pre- and post- intervention.

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