Autoimmune Zoomer
Which antibodies are measured on the Autoimmune Zoomer?
How long does it take for autoimmunity to develop?
What is the Autoimmune Zoomer
Who should consider taking the Autoimmune Zoomer test?
What types of autoimmune conditions can the Autoimmune Zoomer detect?
How long does it take to get results from the Autoimmune Zoomer?
Candida + IBS Profile
What tests are recommended for nail fungus?
Is D-arabinitol the most sensitive marker for detection of Candida, and how does it compare to the Candida + IBS Profile?
I was told that Vibrant's IBSSure test is not a SIBO test. What is IBSSure testing?
What does the Vibrant's IBSSure test measure?
What does it mean if I have antibodies to anti-cytolethal distending toxin B (CdtB) but not anti-vinculin?
What does IBS-M mean?
Do the genetics change once you make the recommended changes on the Cardia-X report?
What do the genetic terms homozygous and heterozygous mean?
What does the ">" symbol signify when interpreting genetic results?
What is the significance of leptin?
What is the significance of adiponectin?
Celiac Genetics
In genetic tests, is the reference allele always the wild type allele?
If a person does not have the celiac genes, can celiac disease be ruled out?
If my Celiac Genetics test is negative, is there a way to learn if I am heterozygous for the serotype?
What does a negative result mean on my Celiac Genetics test?
What does a positive result mean on my Celiac Genetics test?
What alleles make up the DQ8 serotype?
Corn Zoomer
Dairy Zoomer
What is the difference between pancreatic islet cells versus pancreatic beta cells?
Will taking bovine immunoglobulin supplements impact Dairy Zoomer test results?
Is butyrophilin found in butter?
Can a dairy sensitivity amplify and/or make a gluten sensitivity more likely?
Can I consume ghee if I am not sensitive to butyrophilin, even though I am sensitive to other cow's milk peptides?
If my Dairy Zoomer indicates I am sensitive to cow's milk, is it safe to consumer other types of milk such as goat or sheep milk?
Egg Zoomer
Is any component of the egg shell tested?
Can I order Vibrant's Egg Zoomer for a child?
When sensitive to chicken egg white or egg yolk on the Egg Zoomer, can I eat duck eggs or quail eggs?
How can I be sensitive to egg lecithin but not egg yolk?
Environmental Toxins
Does Vibrant test for dry cleaning chemicals?
What plastics are measured in the Total Tox Burden test?
Does Vibrant's Environmental Toxins include PFAS?
Do you have information for each toxin in the Environmental Toxins test?
Do toxin levels vary over time?
What reference ranges does Vibrant Wellness use for the Environmental Toxins Test?
Food Allergen
Specific-IgE Classification and Interpretation
Does Vibrant test for histamine intolerance and mast cell activation syndrome?
Will allergy allergy shots (a.k.a. immunotherapy) influence IgE testing results?
Do immunosuppressant medications interfere with Food Allergens testing?
Do I need to be off my anti-inflammatory medications before Food Allergens testing?
Do I need to stop antihistamines before IgE Food Allergens testing?
Food Sensitivity
Why do my results still show reactivity to foods that I've eliminated?
When sensitive to squash, which type does this apply to?
Why should I order Food Sensitivity testing?
What are the half-lives of IgG, IgA, IgM, IgG4, and C3D?
Which onion varieties does the test refer to?
With leaky gut, can you have few IgG4 and/or C3D sensitivities?
Gut Zoomer
Is any amount of fecal occult blood harmful, even if it is in the normal range?
Will Tylenol (acetaminophen) affect the Gut Zoomer test?
What tests are recommended to assess for ulcers?
On the Gut Zoomer, which bacteria are associated with SIBO?
If I had an endoscopy, should I wait before collecting for the Gut Zoomer test?
Does Vibrant test amylase or lipase?
Heavy Metals
Is blood or urine testing more sensitive for detection of thallium?
Is blood or urine testing more sensitive for arsenic?
How does Vibrant measure heavy metals?
What type of arsenic does Vibrant measure on the Heavy Metals test?
Will sea salt be a problem with the heavy metal test?
Do you have information for each metal in the Heavy Metals test?
Hormones (Urinary and Salivary)
Do we have pregnancy reference ranges?
What methodology do the hormone tests use?
Will oxytocin interfere with Saliva or Urine Hormones tests?
If I have an irregular menstrual cycle, when can I get my blood drawn for serum hormones?
What is the creatinine rejection criteria for urine tests?
If I am taking birth control, can I still do Vibrant's Saliva Hormone panel?
Lectin Zoomer
How are the Lectin Zoomer Summary Scores calculated?
How do you explain tobacco aquaporin sensitivity in non-smokers?
Can I be positive for a particular food on Vibrant Lectin Zoomer but negative for this Food on Vibrant Food Sensitivity or vice versa?
What are aquaporins and why should I test for them?
What are lectins and why should I test for them?
Lyme Autoimmune
What is the timeline for Lyme disease after getting bit by a tick?
How does early detection of Lyme-linked autoimmune responses benefit patients?
What are the key markers measured by the Lyme Autoimmune Panel, and what do they indicate?
How does the Lyme Autoimmune Panel help in managing chronic Lyme disease symptoms?
Who should consider getting the Lyme Autoimmune Panel?
What are causes for high arginine?
What are reasons for high vitamin B12 in people not taking a supplement?
Should I stop my multivitamin/mineral for the micronutrient test?
Can a Micronutrient test be performed on a person with beta thalassemia?
How can I lower my AA/EPA ratio?
What could prevent cellular uptake of nutrients?
Do mycotoxin levels vary seasonally?
Does Vibrant test for black mold?
What are the advantages of testing mycotoxins in urine?
What reference ranges does Vibrant Wellness use for the Mycotoxins Test?
Can mycotoxin results vary day-to-day or over time?
Will nasal steroids affect Mycotoxin test results?
Neural Zoomer
I’ve had HSV-1 outbreaks, should HSV-1 IgG results always be positive?
What markers on the Neural Zoomer Plus test may indicate PANDAS or PANS?
Will antibiotics impact my Neural Zoomer test results?
Will antihistmines impact Neural Zoomer results?
Are Anti-purkinje and anti-Yo interconnected?
What are the other names for Anti-Yo?
Should psychiatric medications be stopped before neurotransmitter testing?
Will antibiotics affect neurotransmitters?
Can the Neurotransmitter test urine samples be collected over several days?
Does Vibrant offer Neuropeptide testing, or would the Neurotransmitters test be useful?
Will Ritalin interfere with Vibrant's Neurotransmitters test OR impact Vibrant's Neurotransmitters test results?
Why do I need to avoid nuts and protein powders before Vibrant's Neurotransmitters test?
How are the NutriProZ reports displayed?
Who makes the NutriProZ compound formulations?
What is the return policy for the NutriProZ supplements?
Should I continue taking my NutriProZ supplements before collecting a blood sample for my second test?
Do I have to stop taking supplements before collecting a blood sample for the NutriProZ test?
How does Vibrant obtain the therapeutic nutrient values?
Nut Zoomer
If sensitive to one nut on the Nut Zoomer, do I need to avoid all nuts?
Does Vibrant's Nut Zoomer measure sensitivity to peanuts?
Organic Acids
Will eating apples within 48 hours of urine sample collection for the Organic Acids test influence test results?
If Vibrant's Organic Acids test is ordered for a young child who is breastfeeding, does the mother need to avoid the recommended foods prior to test collection?
Can I order Vibrant's Organic Acids test for a child (pediatric population)?
Should I discontinue any medications or supplements before collecting a urine sample for Vibrant's Organic Acids test?
Do I need to fast for Vibrant's Organic Acids test?
How does Vibrant measure organic acids?
Oxidative Stress
PFAS Chemicals
What symptoms are related to chronic PFAS exposure?
Does Vibrant test for PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances)
What are the ingredients used to create the fragrance in Regenere?
Does the eye serum contain specific peptides to benefit the area around the eyes?
Why are the Tumor Markers Panel, NutriProZ, and Regenere tests ineligible for consults?
Does Regenere help with conditions like eczema or psoriasis?
Is Regenere appropriate for all Fitzpatrick skin types?
How do I re-order Regenere?
Soy Zoomer
Does Vibrant's Soy Zoomer provide insight on sensitivity to genetically modified (GM) soy?
Can I order Vibrant's Soy Zoomer for a child (pediatric population)?
If I am allergic to soy, will Vibrant's Soy Zoomer detect this?
Total Tox Burden
Does environmental toxin exposure differ seasonally?
Can a urine test be run on a person with a urinary tract infection, blood in urine, or impaired kidney function?
Does high or low urine creatinine influence urine test results?
Why would a child's toxin level be high compared to an adults?
What would explain having very few toxins detected in urine?
What are causes of low and high urine creatinine?
The Tickborne test detected Borrelia afzelii and Borrelia garinii but I've never been to Europe and Asia. How is that possible?
How long should I wait to test after a suspected tick bite?
What is the difference between ImmunoBlot and Immunochip? Why does Vibrant use Immunochip?
Does Vibrant's Tickborne Test use Western blot or ELISA? If not, what technology is used?
Should I stop taking binders before collecting a blood sample for the Tickborne 2.0 test?
For the Tickborne test does a high IgG or IgM result equal a positive Lyme result?
Total Immunoglobulins
If my serum IgA levels are low, does that mean my secretory IgA levels are low, too?
What could low Total IgA indicate?
What does an elevated Total IgE mean?
How does elevated Total IgA or Total IgG impact specific IgA and IgG test results?
What could high Total IgA indicate?
For which tests would it be wise to add Total Immunoglobulins?
UTI Zoomer
How can the UTI Zoomer contribute to overall health management?
Is the UTI Zoomer useful for patients with a history of recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs)?
Can the UTI Zoomer detect urinary health issues in patients with non-specific symptoms?
What makes the UTI Zoomer more reliable than other urinary health tests?
How does the UTI Zoomer support ongoing patient monitoring and treatment adjustment?
How does the Vibrant UTI Zoomer test help in managing recurrent UTIs?
Vibrant America
Can I Schedule a Consult for a Test That Another Provider Ordered?
How quickly can MPO levels rise?
How quickly can hs-CRP levels change?
Why might there be a discrepancy between LDL-Direct and LDL-calculated?
Why would my hemoglobin A1C results vary in a short time?
Do thyroid hormone levels change during infection?
Wheat Zoomer
What is the difference between the fecal zonulin (on Vibrant's Gut Zoomer) and serum zonulin (on Vibrant's Wheat Zoomer)?
What is the difference between Vibrant America's Celiac & Gluten Sensitivity Panel and Vibrant Wellness' Wheat Zoomer?
Will immunosuppressive or immunomodulating drugs affect the Wheat Zoomer?
If gluteomorphin is what binds to the receptors and not the antibodies, how do these two play a role in the opiate-like symptoms someone may experience?
Do the opioid receptors bind to the gluteomorphin or the immunoglobulins?
Is Spelt used in the Food Sensitivity test the same as Farro?