- What tests are recommended for nail fungus?
- Is D-arabinitol the most sensitive marker for detection of Candida, and how does it compare to the Candida + IBS Profile?
- I was told that Vibrant's IBSSure test is not a SIBO test. What is IBSSure testing?
- What does the Vibrant's IBSSure test measure?
- What does it mean if I have antibodies to anti-cytolethal distending toxin B (CdtB) but not anti-vinculin?
- What does IBS-M mean?
- Does positive anti-vinculin indicate autoimmunity?
- If Vibrant's Candida + IBS Profile provides insight into a past infectious gastroenteritis event, how many years back could the event have occurred?
- If my Candida + IBS Profile is negative but I still have the symptoms, is it possible that I might still have SIBO?