Why do my results still show reactivity to foods that I've eliminated?

Please consider the following FAQ, How do you explain a positive antibody response to food(s) never eaten or consumed?


Additionally, Vibrant Labs utilizes a whole-protein microarray where food antigens are placed on a pillar and then introduced to a plate containing the patient’s blood sample. Chemiluminescence is used to measure the concentration of antibodies, indicating the reactivity levels. 


Thus, possible sources of exposure include the whole-protein microarray, accidental exposure from contaminated foods or hidden food sources, as well as intentional ingestion of the food.


You may also consider whether the retest was done during the lifespan of the immunoglobulin (see attached immunoglobulin handout for more information) and the following article on whether or not intestinal permeability still needs to be addressed:


Vita, A. A., Zwickey, H., & Bradley, R. (2022). Associations between food-specific IgG antibodies and intestinal permeability biomarkers. Frontiers in nutrition, 9, 962093. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnut.2022.962093

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