Should I stop probiotic supplements before collecting a stool sample for Vibrant’s Gut Zoomer test?

Probiotics may be taken before Vibrant’s Gut Zoomer. However, probiotics taken before collecting a stool sample will be measured and reported in the Probiotic Organisms sections of the Gut Zoomer report. Ask your ordering provider whether to continue or discontinue probiotics before collecting a stool sample for the Gut Zoomer test. Ordering providers usually like to use the Gut Zoomer in one of two ways.

  1. Discontinue the probiotic for ~2 weeks before sample collection. The sample will then represent a person’s “baseline” microbiome ecosystem and the practitioner can recommend personalized probiotic supplementation based on results.
  2. The second strategy is to test about ~one month into probiotic supplementation to determine if that particular product is effective in “colonizing” the gut.
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