What is the difference between Vibrant's Micronutrient test and the Whole Blood Nutrient Profile?

Vibrant's Micronutrient test requires a blood draw (venipuncture). Vibrant takes the sample and spins down the blood to separate the serum from the remaining sample. This allows measurement of both the extracellular (serum) and intracellular (WBC, RBC) micronutrient levels. In other words, Vibrant's Micronutrient test measures micronutrient levels in two (2) compartments: intracellularly (WBC, RBC) and extracellularly (serum).

  • Serum levels reflect recent (the past couple day's) nutrient intake / micronutrient status.
  • Intracellular levels reflect the past month (for white blood cells) or past 3 month's (for red blood cells) nutrient intake / micronutrient status.


Vibrant's Whole Blood Nutrient Profile uses finger prick and collects blood in a microtube. Vibrant takes this mix of capillary blood, arterial blood, interstitial fluid and extracellular fluid and measures micronutrient levels present in the whole sample. In other words, this test reports one (1) micronutrient value. See below for a comparison of the Sample Reports.


Micronutrient Sample Report (Vitamins page)



Whole Blood Nutrient Profile Sample Report (Vitamins page)




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