For breast implant illness, consider Vibrant's Environmental Toxins, PFAS, Mycotoxins, Organic Acids, and/or Candida + IBS Profile tests.
Vibrant currently does not have a specific breast implant illness marker on either the Environmental Toxins or PFAS test. However, there may be associations to environmental toxicity as noted by researchers at Oregon State University: “silicone implants are a "sink" for environmental chemicals that build up in the fatty tissues of humans and animals. Over time they can become a long-term record of a person's exposure to environmental toxins."
According this 2021 PubMed article, “Breast implant-associated infections are rarely caused by mold, but cases involving a variety of fungal organisms including Aspergillus spp., Candida spp., and Trichosporon have been described. Scendosporium apiospermum has been implicated in one case of breast implant capsulitis."
- Vibrant’s Mycotoxins (urine) test includes toxins produced by Aspergillus and Candida species.
- Vibrant's Organic Acids (urine) test provides insight on overgrowth of Aspergillus and Candida species.
- Vibrant's Candida + IBS Profile (blood) test includes antibodies against Candida species.
- Vibrant does not currently have a test for Trichosporon or Scedosporium apiospermum.
You may also consider the following resources (see attached).