Total Tox (Mycotoxin, Heavy Metals, Environmental Toxins): it may be best to avoid mobilizing toxins (moving them from fat cells into circulation) during pregnancy.
Gut Zoomer: There are many microbiome changes that occur during pregnancy, so results of stool sample collected during may not reflect pre-pregnancy microbiome status. "During pregnancy, the gastrointestinal (gut) microbiota undergoes profound changes that lead to an increase in lactic acid–producing bacteria and a reduction in butyrate-producing bacteria." (Reference:
Anemia: blood volume increases significantly within the first few weeks of gestation and throughout the pregnancy. Total blood volume increases from 20-100 above pre-pregnancy levels (refernece:,%2C%20usually%20close%20to%2045%25).
Lipids: "There is an increase in lipid synthesis and fat storage in preparation for the exponential increases in fetal energy needs in late pregnancy" (reference:'%20There%20is%20an%20increase%20in,an%20increase%20in%20insulin%20sensitivity).
Diabetes: markers are traditionally ordered during pregnancy to investigate the development of Gestational Diabetes.
Thyroid: The thyroid makes hormones that help your body work (metabolism). Since metabolic demand is increased during pregnancy, many thyroid conditions are diagnosed while women are pregnant.
Genetic markers (ApoE, MTHFR, Factor II-V, Methylation, NutriPro, and CardiaX): will not change and can be ordered any time.