Which heart test is recommended, Cardiac Health Panel or CardiaX?

It depends on what the clinic would like to learn. Both are be great options with one looking at current heart disease risk (Cardiac Health) and the other looking at potential risk of genetic SNPs related to cardiovascular health (CardiaX). Please considering the following,
Cardiac Health Panel - In the U.S., every 34 seconds, someone has a heart attack and every 60 seconds, someone dies from a heart disease-related event. Know your results sooner by getting tested with Vibrant America’s complete cardiovascular menu. The Cardiac Health Panel combines the Lipid Profile, Apolipoprotein Panel, Inflammation Panel, Myocardial Stress Panel, and Lipoprotein Markers Panel to provide an analysis of current heart disease risk.
CardiaX Test - a genetic microarray test which detects and interprets variants known to be associated with increased predispositions to various heart conditions and metabolic responses to certain associated pharmacological agents. Its intended use is to help reduce the risk of certain heart conditions by making healthy lifestyle choices.
Check out Dr. Kim Bruno's webinar on CardiaX that also includes information on the Advanced Lipid Panel from the Cardiac Health panel. 


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