What would cause my serum iron to elevate in a short time period?

Increased or regular consumption of iron

  • Iron rich foods (oysters, spinach, mussels, chicken, liver, white beans, dark chocolate, iron-fortified bread and breakfast cereal.)
  • Supplements eg pills or injections: Taking iron in supplement form, such as ferrous sulfate, allows for more rapid increases in iron levels when dietary supply and stores are not sufficient [ref]. Supplemental iron is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and can transiently increase the serum iron concentration, causing a false elevation. Peak serum iron concentrations occur within 4-6 hours of oral iron supplementation, and the half life of oral iron is 6–8 hours. Thus, rule out supplemental iron taken within 30–40 hours of the blood draw.

Nutrient Interactions

Collection Times

  • Serum iron levels vary throughout the day as it has diurnal variation. Morning levels are generally assumed to be higher than afternoon or evening levels (Dale et al., 2002).

NOTE: Serum iron levels vary markedly and even fluctuate from hour to hour (Williams et al., 2010) and thus can be transiently elevated. One measurement of a micronutrient is not predictive of a person's 'normative' or 'true value.' – it may be transiently “low” or “high.” Micronutrient studies suggest that 2-3 measurements of a micronutrient are needed to be approximately 80% predictive of a person's normative status or true value, and 4 or more measurements may be necessary to achieve greater than 90% of a person's normative status or true value. I've attached a couple of articles you may find of interest on intra-individual variability of micronutrients

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