To assess Bell’s palsy antecedents, triggers, and mediators, consider the following tests:
1) Tickborne 2.0: to assess risk of Lyme disease or coinfections contributing to neurologic Lyme disease affecting cranial nerves.
2) Viral Infections Panel: to assess if acute primary infection(s)/coinfections, chronic/persistent infection(s), or reactivation of viral infections or bacterial infection (strep A) is contributing to neuroinflammation and nerve damage.
3) Neural Zoomer Plus: to assess risk of overall neural autoimmunity, neuroinflammation, neurotoxicity, and autoimmune disorders associated with Bell’s palsy (e.g., Guillain-Barre syndrome, demyelinating disorders, and peripheral neuropathy related autoantibodies).
4) Micronutrient Panel and/or NutriPro: to assess micronutrient status and/or micronutrient-related genetic polymorphisms related to inflammation and oxidative stress which may trigger or mediate Bell’s palsy.
5) Total Tox Burden and/or Toxin Genetics: to assess total toxic burden and/or detoxification-related genetic polymorphisms that may be associated with neurotoxicity, inflammation and oxidative stress.
6) Inflammation Panel: to assess inflammatory markers indicative of inflammation for therapeutic targets and monitoring and evaluating outcomes.
7) Diabetes Panel: as pre-diabetes and diabetes commonly co-exist with Bell’s palsy, and insulin resistance and poor glycemic control are prognostic indicators of Bell’s palsy severity.