How to customize 'Custom Fee' names and charges

Setting Default Consultation Fees

Settings & Preferences> Billing & Receipts> Custom Fees

Default Consultation Fees can be set on a practice or personal level. The Apply to Every Provider toggle available to practice admins disables a provider's ability to customize their own consultation fee. 
Users can edit the name of the consultation fee that will be shown to the patient by typing in the box. Transaction fees will apply. 

Transaction Fees

Providers will only be responsible for the portion of the transaction fee that covers revenue. Vibrant will cover the portion of the transaction fee that applies to the wholesale price. Transaction fees are dependent on the form of payment chosen by the patient and thus cannot be determined until the payment is complete. For more details about how different forms of payment can affect transaction fees, please visit Stripe. Once the patient has completed payment, the transaction fee will be visible on the lab receipt in the Statements Tab.


Learn More About the Revenue Enhancement System  

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