What are the different account statuses for invited providers?

Practice Admins can see three different account statuses for members in their practice. They can identify who has set up their account, who does not need to set up an account, and who has not accepted their invite. Practice invitations expire in 15 days if the provider was not added with their NPI. Practice Admins can resend expired invites.
In the Members In Your Practice section, Practice Admins can now see the following statuses for providers who have been added without an NPI number:
  1. Account Created: The provider has accepted the invitation and has successfully created a portal account.
  2. Invite Sent (Invitations expire in 15 days and must be re-invited)
Practice Admins can see the following for providers who have been added with an NPI number:
  1. Account Created: The provider has accepted the invitation and successfully created a portal account.
  2. Account Pending: Orders can be placed on behalf of this provider by a Practice Admin because their NPI was entered by a Practice Admin when invited, but they have not yet accepted the invitation to the practice and created an account from the email invitation. (Does not expire)
Provider details can be edited by the Practice Admin in the Members In Your Practice section.

**Practice Admins can also Edit/Remove accounts in this section.

How do I add and manage providers in my practice?

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