How do I manage Practice Settings?

Practice Settings will be visible to Practice Admins when there is more than one provider added to the practice in the Members in Your Practice section. 

When viewed by a Practice Admin each section in the Settings & Preferences menu will have a Personal Setting tab and a Practice Setting tab. 

Default Practice settings can be set with the Practice Setting tab. The Practice Admin can make this Practice Setting mandatory for all providers by using the 'Apply to Every Provider' toggle. If the Practice Admin does not apply this toggle, but still customizes Practice Settings, Providers can choose to use Practice Settings on their personal level settings. The Practice Admin will be treated as a Provider when it comes to Practice Settings and will not use Practice Settings unless they apply the setting to all providers or have opted into using the Practice Settings on their personal level settings tab.


Single-Provider Practices

Practices with only one provider, will not be able to see the distinction between Personal and Practice Settings. The settings shown to single-provider practices are Practice Settings. While the single provider is the Practice Admin by default, Personal Settings will not be viewable until another provider is added to the practice. Any settings updated before the addition of more providers will be Practice Settings with the 'Apply to Every Provider' toggle on. 

Learn how to add Providers to your practice

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