How to download patient statements

The Statements tab allows Providers or Practice Admins to export all order statements for any duration of time in PDF format or a CSV file for import into other systems, such as an EHR or bookkeeping software. Practice Admins may export order statements for all or select providers using the filters. Consolidated patient statements can be downloaded for any duration of time for any number of patients. 

There are four ways to view statements: 

By Sample: Each line item pertains to a specific sample. This option provides the greatest flexibility in filtering data and downloading statements, including individual receipts for patients. 

By Transaction: Each Line item pertains to an overall transaction. This may be particularly useful for Provider Office Bill transactions as they can often contain multiple orders from multiple patients if the orders were placed on the same day. 

By Patient: This view allows users to see all patients' transaction history, including their total orders, total dollar amount in orders, and total amount paid and unpaid. The View Orders button takes users to the patient profile to view order details. 

By Test: This view allows users to view all ordered test types by order volume to identify most popular tests. 

To download patient statements by Sample

1. Select the Statements tab

2. Choose filters to find relevant data

3. Use the checkboxes to the left of the sample records to include or omit specific samples. The checkbox in the top row will select all records.

4. When users are satisfied with their sample collection, the download button can be used to download consolidated statements.


Filter Types:

  1. Users looking to identify a specific patient or sample can search by Patient Name, Accession ID, Transaction ID, Sample ID, and Card Number 

  2. Practice Admins can filter by Provider Name

  3. Use the Service Date filter to show only records that originated from the specified range

  4. Use the Transaction Date filter to show only records that were paid during a specified range 

  5. The Billing Type filter allows users to separate Patient Pay Later, Patient Pay Now, and Provider Office Bill orders 

  6. The Sort By drop-down changes the order in which records are displayed.  

The Sample tab allows statements to be downloaded in three different ways: 

Download Order Summary can only be used when only one record is selected. 

Download Lab Statement can be used to consolidate multiple sample statements into one document. Users can choose to download a flat PDF version or a CSV file. 

Lab Receipt can be used to download a sample level individual receipt, which includes all tests ordered for patient personal record purposes and is not intended for insurance reimbursement. 

PDF Consolidated Statement Download 

CSV Consolidated Statement Download

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