- How to use the new Personalized Reports
- How Do I Access Preliminary/Partial Reports?
- What is Express Checkout and the Express Checkout Warning?
- Using the Revenue Enhancement System (RES)
- How do I see an itemized list of charges in the order?
- Why won't express checkout work?
- What if my patient needs a redraw?
- What is the Questionnaire?
- What are shortcut bundles and how do you create them?
- Where are the old reports?
- Do you have more information regarding report comments and recommendations?
- How do I use the at-home test menu?
- How do I know if a patient hasn't paid their outstanding balance?
- How to download patient statements
- How do I know when redraw results are ready?
- How do I set up automatic questionnaire reminders for patients?
- How do I identify orders blocked by a missing questionnaire and resend the questionnaire link?
- How do I get updates on my orders in the portal?
- How Do I Add Multiple Patients At Once?
- How do I access my patient's order summary/ requisition form?
- How do I check the EDR(Estimated Date of Report) on my patient's order?
- Troubleshooting Report Download Issues in Vibrant Portal
- How can I edit drafts?
- How do I re-order testing for an existing patient?
- How do I share test results with my patients?