How Do I Access Preliminary/Partial Reports?

Users can access preliminary or partial reports using the Personalized Report feature found in the Test Report tab on the Complete Patient Profile. Preliminary reports are available anytime a portion of the results become available, while the final report is still pending. This can happen due to different sample processing times, TNP issues, or other processing differences. Users can view partial reports as soon as they are available while they await the final results. 

In the Patients tab, users will see "New Report" in the Report Status indicator when preliminary or final results become available. Users can also see this update in the Updates section of the dashboard. 

The Personalized Reports module provides EDR dates by test so users can plan for preliminary reports. The EDR shown in the Patients tab will be the first preliminary report available.

Accessing Preliminary Reports

  1. To access preliminary reports, open the Complete Patient Profile by selecting the patient's name anywhere throughout the system. 
  2. In the Complete Patient Profile, select the Test Report tab.
  3. Select "View" on Personalized Report.
  4. The Personalized Report Module will open. The Report Status indicates that this is a "Preliminary Report" and will change to "Final Report" when the final results are ready and the Report Date will be updated. Users will receive another "New Report" update in both their Updates section of the Dashboard and in the Patients tab upon delivery of the final report. 
  5. Make Personalized Report selections and then select "View" to view and download preliminary reports.

Preliminary report PDFs are labeled as PARTIAL REPORT. 

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