What are shortcut bundles and how do you create them?

Shortcut Bundles allow providers to save favorite groups of tests that they frequently order together for a more efficient experience. These Shortcut Bundles can be viewed when placing an order for a patient. Selecting a shortcut bundle automatically adds the tests included in the bundle to the cart. These can be managed on an individual or practice level. 

Shortcut Bundles in the Order Test Tab

Managing Shortcut Bundles 

Shortcut Bundles can be managed in General Preferences or they can be managed from the Order Test Tab

Managing Shortcut Bundles in General Preferences 

Existing Shortcut Bundles can be edited by selecting the "edit" button on the Shortcut Bundle card. The trash icon on the card will delete the Shortcut Bundle. You will see these options in the Order Test Tab cards if practice-wide Shortcut Bundles are not applied.

Share Shortcut Bundles With All Providers

Practice Admins can apply and manage Shortcut Bundles for all providers in the practice by using the Apply To Every Provider? toggle. 

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