What if my patient needs a redraw?

When there is a TNP(test not performed) issue, redraw orders can be initiated manually or automatically depending on the user or practice admin's Settings & Preferences.


Manual Advanced Redraw

Manual Advanced Redraw is the default method. This method simplifies the redraw process while still keeping providers in total control. When a redraw is required, providers can request a redraw while the patient still has other samples pending lab approval. If other pending samples result in TNP(test not performed) issues and need to be recollected, they will automatically be processed with the provider's already placed redraw request.

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Providers can manually request a redraw as soon as an order has a TNP issue by selecting See Detail on the issue flag in the Patients tab OR by selecting Redraw on the top of the Patient Lab Profile. 

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When the provider manually initiates a redraw, the order status will change to However, neither the redraw kit nor the email notification will be sent until the lab accepts or rejects all initial samples. If the lab rejects other pending samples, they will automatically be added to the redraw order initiated by the provider. Initiating a manual redraw order also allows the provider to change the delivery method.

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Automatic Redraw

When a TNP (test not performed) issue is identified, Automatic Redraw eliminates the need to manage and track redraw requests, allowing providers to reduce administrative tasks. With Automatic Redraw enabled, redraw notifications and kits are automatically sent to patients using the original order’s delivery details.

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The order status will change to after all initial samples have been processed and the redraw request has been initiated on the user's behalf. If users see a TNP issue before the order status changes to Redraw Order, no further action is required if Automatic Redraw is enabled in General Preferences. Automatic Redraw can be implemented on a personal or practice level. Users can choose to be notified when a redraw request is initiated on their behalf.

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Enabling Automatic Redraw

Settings & Preferences> General Preferences> Automatic Redraw

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Automatic Redraw can be enabled on a practice or personal level. To enable this option, open Settings & Preferences, where Automatic Redraw can be found under General Preferences. Users will also be presented with the option to be notified when a redraw request is automatically initiated on their behalf. This can adjusted anytime in Notification Preferences.  

Preliminary Partial Results 

Preliminary partial results may be ready before the recollected sample is received. 

Learn how to view preliminary partial reports

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