- What is the difference between the fecal zonulin (on Vibrant's Gut Zoomer) and serum zonulin (on Vibrant's Wheat Zoomer)?
- What is the difference between Vibrant America's Celiac & Gluten Sensitivity Panel and Vibrant Wellness' Wheat Zoomer?
- Will immunosuppressive or immunomodulating drugs affect the Wheat Zoomer?
- If gluteomorphin is what binds to the receptors and not the antibodies, how do these two play a role in the opiate-like symptoms someone may experience?
- Do the opioid receptors bind to the gluteomorphin or the immunoglobulins?
- Is Spelt used in the Food Sensitivity test the same as Farro?
- Why doesn't IgE show up on my Food Zoomer Test?
- Does pregnancy impact Wheat Zoomer results?
- What is the difference between the fecal anti-gliadin (on Vibrant's Gut Zoomer) and serum anti-gliadin (on Vibrant's Wheat Zoomer)?
- How many dried blood spot (DBS) cards are required for the Wheat Zoomer?
- What analytes are on the Wheat Zoomer Intestinal Permeability panel?
- Which Wheat Zoomer analytes provide insight on leaky gut?
- Are the peptides measured on Vibrant's Food Zoomer tests (e.g., Wheat Zoomer, Dairy Zoomer, etc.) larger than four amino acids?
- When should I re-test the Wheat Zoomer and Intestinal Permeability panel?
- How long does it take to heal leaky gut?
- Does Vibrant offer endoscopy or biopsy for celiac disease diagnosis?
- Can Vibrant's Wheat Zooomer help diagnose celiac disease?
- When sensitive to wheat, can I eat wheat grass?
- My Total IgA is high but my Wheat Zoomer results did not show any food specific-IgA sensitivities. How could this be?
- How can I have normal zonulin but elevated levels of anti-zonulin antibodies on Vibrant's Wheat Zoomer?
- Is it possible to have normal zonulin but elevated levels of anti-zonulin antibodies on Vibrant's Wheat Zoomer?
- What’s the difference between serum zonulin and serum anti-zonulin on Vibrant's Wheat Zoomer?
- Why does Vibrant's Wheat Zoomer show sensitivity to gluten and wheat more often than other labs?
- Why do most Wheat Zoomer results show sensitivity to wheat and gluten?
- Have you ever seen Wheat Zoomer results indicating no sensitivity to wheat or gluten.
- What is the algorithm for the Intestinal Permeability score on Vibrant's Wheat Zoomer test?
- Why should I order Total Immunoglobulins and Wheat Zoomer at the same time?
- Can I add Total Immunoglobulins to the Wheat Zoomer test?
- Can I drink beer if my Wheat Zoomer results say I'm sensitive to gluten (gliadin and/or glutenin)?
- Can I eat rye and barley if my Wheat Zoomer results say I'm sensitive to wheat germ agglutinin?